Aesthetic dentistry is the branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting and enhancing our smile!
Its goal is to improve the appearance of the teeth, lips, smile, and overall cosmetic enhancement of the oral and facial area.
Aesthetic oral care is a complex process that depends on many factors, such as the shape of the teeth, their position, color, gums, their physical condition, and their function.
Thus, aesthetic oral care is not a separate knowledge or specialization; rather, it involves all specialties of orthodontics, periodontics, surgery, implantology, endodontics and prosthetics working together in full cooperation and harmony.
Contact Us
- THEOTOKOPOULOU 4, MAROUSI 15125 * Free parking is offered for guests.
- [email protected]
(+30) 210 6813330
(+30) 210 6813350