Endodontics deal with the diagnosis and treatment of problems arising from the pulp (nerve) of the tooth. When a tooth has deep decay or a fracture, an infection may develop inside due to the entry of bacteria, leading to the need for endodontic treatment (root canal). If the tooth remains untreated, there is a high likelihood of intense and unbearable pain or swelling (abscess). At the ATHENS DENTAL CENTER, endodontic treatment is painless as it is performed under local anesthesia, and completion typically requires 1-3 sessions using a microscope and laser, depending on the case. The goal of endodontic treatment is to eliminate the microbial factor from the inside of the tooth using micro-instruments and antimicrobial liquids. The hermetic sealing of the pulp chamber protects the tooth from future bacterial re-entry. In this way, the tooth remains healthy and functional in the mouth. Instructions during endodontic treatment (root canal):
  1. Mouth rinses with warm saline in the affected area (dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water).
  2. For pain, you may use pain relievers. It is possible to experience discomfort or pain during or immediately after treatment for a few days. For dosage, please consult us by phone.
  3. If we have prescribed antibiotics, you must take them according to the instructions and duration provided. Do not stop the medication even if you have no symptoms. Stop any medication immediately if you have any reaction or allergy.
  4. A temporary filling will be placed in the teeth undergoing treatment. After placement, it is advisable not to eat for 2 hours.
  5. There is a chance the filling may come out, either completely or partially. If the entire filling is dislodged, you should come in promptly for restoration.
  6. In general, during the root canal treatment and until the final prosthetic restoration of the tooth, it is advisable to chew on the opposite side of the mouth to avoid fracture.
  7. For any other questions or symptoms not described above, do not hesitate to contact us.

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